Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocals

Rickey Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums
Well I got off the plane in the pou-rin\' ra-i-n head-ed for one more show and I jumped in a car with a built in bar had a Ja-ck Dan-iels and coke well the wheels just a keep on a turn-in\' they roll me to the back stage door wait lit-tle ma ma Yes I got no time for you now Oh got to play for my cro-wd I\'ll see you be-fore the morn-ing sun and uh spread your love ba-by cause I\'m on the ru-un Well I was just a lit-tle late but the show was gre-at Oh I love to hear those peo-ple ye-ll but uh back in my room I think I\'ll dust my bro-om you could on-ly hope to do so well She\'s got legs clean up to her hair lin-e and I\'m wondering if she\'s worth a climb Yes I got some time for you now Oh I just played for my cro-wd and I feel the morn-ing sun and uh xcuse me lit-tle lo-ver I\'m on the ru-un well it\'s an ea-rly flight and I\'m back on this pla-ne Oh yeah I think I\'m go-ing insane my blood is full of booze and I\'m rea-dy to cruise it\'s fun-ny that I feel no shame Well she teased me pleased me I al-most di-ed she ev-en brought my je-lly roll down wait a min-ute now Yes I got no time for you now Oh got to play for my cro-wd Yes and I see the morn-ing sun and uh xcuse me lit-tle lo-ver I\'m on the ru-u-n Oh spread your lo-o-ve cause I\'m on the run Oh xcuse me ba-by cause I\'m on the ru-un